Sunday, July 8, 2007


After doing a lot of googling, forum and irc questioning and direct email and ims I have come to the following conclusions.

Currently there is no "easy" free way to enable your Cocoa app. to send sms messages.

Sending emails from a Cocoa App is possible. You however need to provide information on the smtp server doing the sending. If your app is going to be distributed to end users, they will have to enter this information. There might be port settings and TLS stuff to consider. Here are two frameworks that might work EDMessage MailCore.

I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't find a really clean way to implement the desired plugin funcitonality. Currently, the only improvements I can come up with are trying to format the sent message so it doesn't display the from address as the username@machinename.local. Also, aim users can send txt to mobile phones even though the message format is still the same. For now I'll go ahead and submit it and see what the developers have to say ... and then the user community too since in the end its their voices that matter the most.

Meanwhile, I'll look for other stuff to work on.

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