Monday, March 24, 2008

Adium Group Chat UI Mock Ups

Still on a GSoC note, I was playing around with some ideas for alternative looks for the Group Chat Message Window for Adium. I tend to forget things easily so I decided to do some quick mock ups with Inkscape.

This first one uses a drawer to list the contacts within a group. I think it will require
less modifications to the current Message Window UI. The there could be options
for the position of the drawer (left , right etc.) and of course you would be able to
open or close it.

This next one was influenced mostly by Colloquy's UI. Again options can be added
to have the list on the left or right. In addition, the currently displayed Groups and Contacts could be ordered by service, name, etc. This will probably require a
larger change to the current UI.

Of course there are many other possibilities for the UI. These however are the
main ones that have come to mind so far.

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